Media is a very powerful tool. While it’s primary purpose is to relay information, the media also has the upper hand. From possessing the ability to make or mar individuals’ careers to manipulating facts for particular benefits, the media has the power to influence minds to such an extent that it can completely change one’s perceptions. Imagine when this powerful device collectively decides to replace the word “genocide” with “clash/conflict”.
The Holocaust during World War II forced the Jews to migrate to Palestine in masses. Soon after, the concept of Zionism emerged leading to the 1947 declaration by the United Nations for the establishment of the State of Israel. This further led to a full-blown war in 1948 between Israel and the neighbouring Arab states. Having emerged victorious, Israel ended up having more Palestinian land than the UN’s initial plan.
“Nothing is sweeter and addictive than power, the unlucky soul this demon possesses, if he is not sacrificed on its altar will sacrifice others himself to get it”
― Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

Ever since, Israel has been carrying out illegal occupation of Palestine, or what that remains of it, displacing innocent Palestinian civilians out of their own homes. On 7th May 2021, the Palestinians who had gathered to pray in the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, were attacked by the Israeli troops. Israeli forces effectively trapped the innocent civilians inside the mosque and attacked them with stun grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets. It was also made sure that medics are not allowed through to treat the injured.
The middle-eastern media successfully attracted the whole world’s attention towards the situation. However, the most recognised international media made sure to mask the mass massacre of Palestinian civilians with the subheading: Israel-Palestine conflict. Declaring this humanitarian issue as a political one, they continue to state this ‘forcible displacement’ as ‘eviction’. Labelling a state-sanctioned violence as “tensions from both sides” not only enlightens the prevalent colonial mindset of the powerful nations but also highlights the present interpretation of the world of humanity.

According to the Congressional Research Service, Israeli military occupation has been supported by US aid with $3.8 billion a year, paid for by US tax dollars since 2016 for the next ten years. It is also supported by other colonial powers including Canada, Australia, France and Belgium. On 16th May 2021, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked twenty-five countries for “resolutely standing with Israel and supporting our right to self defense against terrorist attacks”. 16th May also marked the eighth consecutive day of Israel’s genocidal air raids in Gaza. On this day alone, 42 Palestinians were killed and the road towards Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s biggest medical facility, was bombed. This increased the death toll to 192 Palestinian citizens, including 58 children and 34 women. Interestingly, the United Nations Security Council also met on that day but failed to agree on a joint decision.
The Al-Jalaa Tower, which housed the Associated Press and Al-Jazeera media offices in Gaza was also destroyed by the air strikes. There is also an ongoing social media censorship of the hashtags/posts/videos of Palestine.

The world has come to a point where one literally has to beg for others to understand that genocide is not okay.
How hilarious is the fact that Palestinians are being considered as ‘terrorists’ when they don’t even have any form of military body? Just because the majority of them are Muslims? Palestinian Christians too are being displaced from their homes. Jews around the world are raising their voice against Zionism. It’s not difficult to observe the fact that unless the so-referred terrorists have Muslim identity, they are not considered terrorists.

“Zionists in Israel have hollowed out their ties with their own history.”
–M. F. Bhattacharjee, The Wire
Did Nazis ‘clash’ with the Jews during the Holocaust? While it’s customary for the thief to play the victim card, it is up to the spectators whether to pity the fake tears or to stand up with the ones who have been unjustly treated. We, humans, should undoubtedly concur that being kicked out of one’s own home by military occupation is inhumane. We should all unequivocally agree that this is ethnic cleansing; this is mass murdering; this is genocide.
However, it’s always “should”. To see or not to see, is up to you and your human conscience.
Zaina Shahid Khan is a student pursuing English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia.
Edited by: Varda Ahmad
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of The Jamia Review or its members.
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