
O, Women of Nature!

O, Women of Nature!
Spring is here,
Comb off the dead leaves,
And brush the new ones.
The freshly chopped fringes,
Are waiting to be groomed,
Lying on,
The fertile forehead,
Spread with the beautiful terrains,
Of wrinkles.

O, Women of Nature!
Spring is here,
Curl up your,
Bushy lashes of,
Tender tea leaves.
Lift the curtain up,
From the draught of,
These wistful eyes,
Longing for a couple,
Of sprinkles.

O, Women of Nature!
Spring is here,
Colour your,
Lips of iridescent petals,
Anew from their buds,
Spreading the fragrance of,
Warm and welcoming words. 
Bloom, where all the beings are covered,
Of shrinkles.

Izeen Fatima is a student pursuing Psychology Hons. at Jamia Millia Islamia.

Edited by: Yusuf Aziz

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Written by Izeen Fatima

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